I also like to make sounds.
I post on my Youtube sometimes about random stuff.
Inspired by Risk of Rain 2 with a focus on class based RPG's with RPG features like attributes, abilities, ability modifiers. etc. Imagine Risk of Rain 2 with modifiable abilities that plays like an RPG like World of Warcraft dungeons in a 2021 action combat setting. Leveraged and built upon Unreal's Gameplay Ability System to create dynamically modifiable abilities and gameplay effects.
This project is currently paused for the FPS project. Currently no playable build... yet.
Prototype Multiplayer PVP FPS game with a focus on player movement with grapple hooks, wall-running, and powersliding. Significant work has been done since first release to introduce true first-person animations, more effective clientside movement prediction. Finally upgraded out of UE5 Early Access.
Grouping with 3 other talented artists, we created a playable top-down survival shooter within a week. We are very proud of the product we created in almost every aspect. This was an awesome test of our skills to push out a product quickly and effectively.
During my time at OBSKUR I had the pleasure to implement the core data systems that drove the character creator. Working with the very talented artist, I was able to implement the programming side in about two months. I was very satisfied with the result as more improvements were able to be comfortably made after initial release.
I also implemented the audio capture and routing for all broadcast sources, environments, characters, and interactions. My setup allows for use of environment assets to react to broadcast audio sources and rewiring of audio sources to selectable recording tracks.
This also included implementing the DirectShow API into unreal media players to read from all video and audio sources (e.g. webcam, microphone, capture card, virtual input, etc).
These were just the main features I handled. Big thanks to the extremely talented team at OBSKUR for taking me in. It is truly inspiring working with that group.
****This code is owned by Movella so it is not public and not for general use. ****
More to come... I'm just not ready to show them yet :)